Thursday, February 18, 2016

FSA Writing Rubric

Parent informational Meeting

We will discuss the scoring rubric for the upcoming FSA Writing Assessment. Come and gain a stronger understand of the rubric itself and what is expected from your child on the upcoming assessment.

WHEN: Thursday February 25, 2016
WHERE: Gorrie Library
Time: 8:00am - 8:45am 

Skate Night

When: 6pm - 8pn
Where: United Skates of America

Come out and have fun skating!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Student Led Conferences!

Please do not forget to sign up with your child for student led conferences on October 22nd!
Gorrie Walk-A-Thon November 13th
When: Friday, November 13, 2015, 8:00am-10:15am
Where: Gorrie Elementary
What:  A Walk-a-thon to raise funds for our school. The event will take place at school, during regular school hours. Please come and cheer on our amazing students and teachers as they walk the perimeter of our school.
Why: This event benefits Gorrie Elementary School by providing funds for resources such as teacher training, events, technology and facility improvements, class programs and many other items to continuously improve the learning experience for our children.
This year, the funds being raised will be used to support our teachers through classroom grants for continuing education workshops and seminars, science projects, writing aids, and supplemental materials not provided by the county that our teachers believe will make a difference in learning in our classrooms. A portion of the funds will also supplement the art and music department, ongoing maintenance, repair and replacement of visual aid equipment in every classroom, and our Gorrie Cares service projects which allows our students to give back to the community. For a list of how last year's Gorrie PTA funds were used, click here.

How Do I Register?
Type in the following link into your search browser.
1.    Go to Click on the Registration button in the menu to the left
2.   Find your child's teacher(s) and join their class team
3.   Add photos and/or video of your child
4.   Send your child’s fundraising link to family, friends and co-workers asking them to sponsor your child

5.   Paper forms are also available for download here and in the Gorrie Elementary main office. Please only use this form if you do not wish to use our super easy online fundraising site. You will save a lot of time (for yourself and volunteers) if you ask for donations online!

Friday, September 18, 2015


The Cake Walk is approaching fast! This year's Fall Carnival will be held on Friday, October 9th. As a 5th grade class, we use the Cake Walk to raise money for our end of the year field trip. We hope you will consider supporting our cause and donating your time or baking skills to make this year's Cake Walk the best ever! Below is the link to sign up. Please be sure to sign up under the correct homeroom your child is in. Thanks in advance!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Gifted Open House

                 Gorrie Open House Schedule
          Thursday, Sept. 17th

4-4:30pm Mrs. Scott & Ms. La Voie Room 414
4:30-5pm Mrs. Baker & Ms. Pitt Room 424
5-6pm Homeroom Teacher Open House

6:15pm PTA Meeting


                                          End of the year sign up!

                                            We are off to a great start for this school year. This year will fly by with all of the fun activities and academic contentwe have in store for your children. We have tons planned for this year, but we can't do this alone. We need your help. Instead of having one parent be the overall 5th grade parent leader, we are dividing out the responsibilities and we are looking for some parents to chair the end of the year activities. Please take a moment to review the activities and consider giving your time and help. We would greatly appreciate it. Below, you will find a link to sign up for end of the year activities for our 5th grade students! For each activity, there is a teacher coordinator that you can reach out to for questions/ details of the events. Thanks in advance!!